0333 444 0634 (UK) | +34 95 500 3302 (International)
Opening Times2018-10-12T21:07:51+00:00

Opening times and Scheduled Closes

We are pleased you have chosen to visit this Page. Bellisimos clinics are busy and whether you contact us centrally or locally, it’s important to plan ahead and check availability prior to paying towards your treatment plan.

Remember to check out our service level agreements if you are trying to contact Bellisimos.

Schedule Overview

[alert type=”custom” accent_color=”#c2ae83″ background_color=”#ffffff” border_size=”” icon=”fa-info-circle” box_shadow=”no” animation_type=”flash” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.2″ animation_offset=”bottom-in-view” class=”” id=””]Mobile Users: Slide Across For Full Price Information[/alert]
Phone Lines
Please Visit https://www.bellisimos.co.uk/switchboard/

Our booking line is a secondary tool for the audience who are unable to contact us on our Social Media Platforms which are managed 24 hours a day.

The booking line is normally managed by our switchboard, who can capture the relevant information and if necessary arrange for the booking team to contact them back within 72 hours.

From time to time the outbound team and local clinics will take either call which means the times mentioned above can wildly vary, this being in your benefit. Why not try calling us anytime.

Social Media Open Closed
Facebook  10:00 am  20:00 pm
Instagram  10:00 am  20:00 pm
Other  Adhoc  Adhoc

Bellisimos social media channels are normally working overtime and are managed 24 hours a day. These channels are an effective communication option and although the team have a long service level agreement, they normally are extremely efficient and on average will respond the same day

Clinics Open Closed
London  Appointment Only  Appointment Only
Cardiff  Appointment Only  Appointment Only
Marbella  Appointment Only  Appointment Only
Dubai  Invite Only  Invite Only
Ibiza  Invite Only  Invite Only
International   Invite Only  Invite Only
All appointments as subject to the local team’s availability

Scheduled Closes

Bellisimos may close from time to time to attend exhibitions or deliver external training to name a few reasons.

We’re committed to schedule your appointment(s) in advance to avoid disappointment as we rarely have availability within the same week and unless your on a treatment plan it’s unlikely we would be able to agree a same day appointment even if we have availability, we believe time between setting the appointment and starting treatment is following best practice and in favour of the client.


Learn more about our Packages
Learn more about our Loyalty Programme
Learn more about our Finance Options
Learn more about our Guarantee
Learn more about our gift cards


We are more than just non-surgical and aesthetics specialists , find out what other services we offer by clicking on our other brands above
Bellisimos Beauty Price List
Bellisimos Plasty &  Surgical Price List
Bellisimos Teeth is an unparalleled brand which presents a unique proposition to customers. Bellisimos support dental inquiries through partnering with UK & EU specialists to deliver the highest quality of care throughout the treatment process. Internally Bellisimos Teeth brand specifically focuses on “Cosmetics” rather than delivering dentistry treatment, we leave dental work to the dentists. which means we can focus on what we do best. Find out more here
Bellisimos Wellbeing Find out about our Community
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